18.12.07 @ 17:21 Sergey Matveychuk wrote:

I've recently found a patch (also available at http://antigreen.org/vadim/freebsd/ipfwpcap/) made by me and my friend in January to ipfwpcap(8) introduced in 7.0. Now it have more features,

Unfortunately too old to apply.

Mislooked that, sorry. But revision 1.3 differs only with line signal (SIGINT, ...); - which my patch also includes. I've attached patch against current revision 1.3 (use it instead of original letter's one).

And using of pidfile_* functions from libutil is preferable IMHO.

Surely, but I think that should be another commit, as not a user-visible change.

WBR, Vadim Goncharov

Attachment: ipfwpcap.patch
Description: Binary data

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