On Sat, 10 Nov 2007, Matt Reimer wrote:

I ran "netstat -Lan" every second while running this test and the
output never changed from the following, whether before or after the

I forgot to mention, check netstat -s for listen queue overflows.

During the stall the sockets are all in TIME_WAIT. More relevant info:

In the past that was not a problem, but I should retest this as well.

It still stalls. This time I noticed that tcptw shows 0 free:

The tcptw zone is supposed to fill completely, then kick out the oldest entry whenever a new one comes in. So, that sounds ok to me... but like I said, I need to retest that too.

When I use ab I'm telling it to use a max of 100 simultaneous
connections (ab -c 100 -n 50000 Wouldn't that
be well under the limit?

Yep, should be.  Hmph.

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