> Mike Karels wrote:
> >> There are also things to consider such as if a GigE card is connected to 
> >> a GigE device (switch/card etc) and the card supports jumbo frames 
> >> should the MRU be set to the max jumbo receive size for the card? This 
> >> could cause confusion when people plug jumbo capable devices in with 
> >> hardware limitations making the MRU lower than other devices on the 
> >> network.
> > 
> > Although we don't have an MRU explicitly, we don't enable reception
> > of jumbo frames without administrator action.  There is an IFCAP_JUMBO_MTU
> > flag defined, but not previously used as far as I know.  We added the
> > ability to set that flag with ifconfig, which enables reception of
> > jumbo frames without changing the MTU.  Then, in ether_input, we accept
> > any packet that a NIC sees fit to receive.

> for what values of "we"?

Sorry, that's Secure Computing.  I was elaborating on a change I had
mentioned earlier.

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