
I get TCP/UDP checksum errors with fxp(4). I noticed it after using
Wireshark today:

        Checksum: 0xac18 [incorrect, should be 0xfbc7 (maybe caused by
        checksum offloading?)]

for example.

If I understand it more or less correctly, checksum offloading is
performed by or with help of the NIC - only for TCP and UDP, where the
checksum fails exactly...
I didn't found a way to disable it, so I assume it's a bug in the
driver... I don't know exactly which infos I must provide additionally
to the following, so don't hesitate to ask more :)

Used NIC:

        fxp0: <Intel 82550 Pro/100 Ethernet> port 0xa400-0xa43f mem
        0xfb030000-0xfb030fff,0xfb000000-0xfb01ffff irq 16 at device
        7.0 on pci2

Used system:

        FreeBSD ganymed 7.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #0: Sun Jan 21
        16:07:51 CET 2007
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GANYMED  i386

Cédric Jonas                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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GPG Key:                 http://box.decemplex.net/~cedric/cedric.key.asc
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