Hello again,

to give a short summary; I contacted this list to ask for help with
diagnosing a problem with a co-located server (accessible at
http://stbgo.org) running FreeBSD 6.1. When I swamp it with requests
(simply, lynx -dump http://stbgo.org > /dev/null in a loop)
some responses take 90 seconds -- far too long. This is reproducible,
but seemingly not from other source addresses - only my own (home)

The recommendations have been to look at the traceroute output, and at
tcpdump from both ends; the tcpdump output was so far only available
from the client side, since the server's kernel didn't support
tcpdump. (Also, to  "swamp" a different port and see the result -
planned next step)

The traceroute brought up a host with name
a.core.65-110-0-1.van.data-fortress.com which sits between my server
and the Internet. (As far as I can tell, this looks legitimate. The
co-location provider says their machines perform no filtering)

Traceroute from the client is not available; this service provider
blocked it for some reason, and I can live without it. (tcptraceroute
was suggested, but that gave no meaningful output; I may try again
from a different machine on the local network)

Now to where I got in the mean time.

I recompiled the server's kernel so that tcpdump is available.

Client tcpdump command
$ sudo /usr/sbin/tcpdump -n -s 1600 -w clientside.dmp host stbgo.org
tcpdump: listening on eth0

398 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

Server tcpdump command
$ sudo /usr/sbin/tcpdump -n -s 1600 -w /tmp/serverside.dmp
tcpdump: listening on bge0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1600 bytes
Hm, dispatch protocol error: type 3 plen 4
302 packets captured
303 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

During the times that these two commands ran, this was executed on the client.

Client swamping command
$ ruby o
0 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:38 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:39 PST
2007. Took 0.532589
1 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:39 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:39 PST
2007. Took 0.368819
2 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:39 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:39 PST
2007. Took 0.352839
3 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:39 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:40 PST
2007. Took 0.45799
4 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:40 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:40 PST
2007. Took 0.369304
5 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:40 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:41 PST
2007. Took 0.446588
6 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:41 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:41 PST
2007. Took 0.345532
7 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:41 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:41 PST
2007. Took 0.354955
8 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:41 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:42 PST
2007. Took 0.465013
9 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:42 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:42 PST
2007. Took 0.431748
10 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:42 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:43 PST
2007. Took 0.368716
11 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:43 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:09:43 PST
2007. Took 0.451658
12 : Mon Jan 01 14:09:43 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:11:17 PST
2007. Took 93.492797
13 : Mon Jan 01 14:11:17 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:11:17 PST
2007. Took 0.425495
14 : Mon Jan 01 14:11:17 PST 2007  -- done at Mon Jan 01 14:11:17 PST
2007. Took 0.430457

The "swamping script - o -" accesses the webserver 15 times in a loop
without pausing, and records the elapsed time. Note #12 took 93.49

Looking at the tcpdump dump files with tcptrace I find these connection entries

--- (Client side) ---
Ostermann's tcptrace -- version 6.6.7 -- Thu Nov  4, 2004

398 packets seen, 398 TCP packets traced
elapsed wallclock time: 0:00:00.109089, 3648 pkts/sec analyzed
trace file elapsed time: 0:02:12.449926
TCP connection info:
16 TCP connections traced:
TCP connection 1:
       host a:        sucrose.sugarmotor.net:35012
       host b:        vps-18-138.virtualprivateservers.ca:pcanywherestat
       complete conn: no       (SYNs: 0)  (FINs: 0)
       first packet:  Mon Jan  1 14:09:14.224706 2007
       last packet:   Mon Jan  1 14:11:26.674632 2007
       elapsed time:  0:02:12.449926
       total packets: 137
       filename:      /tmp/clientside.dmp
  a->b:                              b->a:
    total packets:            90           total packets:            47
    ack pkts sent:            90           ack pkts sent:            47
    pure acks sent:           47           pure acks sent:            0
    sack pkts sent:            0           sack pkts sent:            0
    dsack pkts sent:           0           dsack pkts sent:           0
    max sack blks/ack:         0           max sack blks/ack:         0
    unique bytes sent:      2240           unique bytes sent:      2480
    actual data pkts:         43           actual data pkts:         47
    actual data bytes:      2240           actual data bytes:      2480
    rexmt data pkts:           0           rexmt data pkts:           0
    rexmt data bytes:          0           rexmt data bytes:          0
    zwnd probe pkts:           0           zwnd probe pkts:           0
    zwnd probe bytes:          0           zwnd probe bytes:          0
    outoforder pkts:           0           outoforder pkts:           0
    pushed data pkts:         43           pushed data pkts:         47
    SYN/FIN pkts sent:       0/0           SYN/FIN pkts sent:       0/0
    req 1323 ws/ts:          N/Y           req 1323 ws/ts:          N/Y
    urgent data pkts:          0 pkts      urgent data pkts:          0 pkts
    urgent data bytes:         0 bytes     urgent data bytes:         0 bytes
    mss requested:             0 bytes     mss requested:             0 bytes
    max segm size:           224 bytes     max segm size:           128 bytes
    min segm size:            48 bytes     min segm size:            32 bytes
    avg segm size:            52 bytes     avg segm size:            52 bytes
    max win adv:           19856 bytes     max win adv:           33304 bytes
    min win adv:           19856 bytes     min win adv:           33304 bytes
    zero win adv:              0 times     zero win adv:              0 times
    avg win adv:           19856 bytes     avg win adv:           33304 bytes
    initial window:           48 bytes     initial window:            0 bytes
    initial window:            1 pkts      initial window:            0 pkts
    ttl stream length:        NA           ttl stream length:        NA
    missed data:              NA           missed data:              NA
    truncated data:            0 bytes     truncated data:            0 bytes
    truncated packets:         0 pkts      truncated packets:         0 pkts
    data xmit time:      132.431 secs      data xmit time:      132.434 secs
    idletime max:        99997.8 ms        idletime max:       100015.9 ms
    throughput:               17 Bps       throughput:               19 Bps
TCP connection 2:
       host c:        sucrose.sugarmotor.net:35041
       host d:        vps-18-138.virtualprivateservers.ca:80
       complete conn: yes
       first packet:  Mon Jan  1 14:09:38.899996 2007
       last packet:   Mon Jan  1 14:09:39.215879 2007
       elapsed time:  0:00:00.315883
       total packets: 17
       filename:      /tmp/clientside.dmp
  c->d:                              d->c:
    total packets:             9           total packets:             8
    ack pkts sent:             8           ack pkts sent:             8
    pure acks sent:            5           pure acks sent:            2
    sack pkts sent:            0           sack pkts sent:            0
    dsack pkts sent:           0           dsack pkts sent:           0
    max sack blks/ack:         0           max sack blks/ack:         0
    unique bytes sent:      2500           unique bytes sent:      3750
    actual data pkts:          2           actual data pkts:          5
    actual data bytes:      2500           actual data bytes:      3750
    rexmt data pkts:           0           rexmt data pkts:           0
    rexmt data bytes:          0           rexmt data bytes:          0
    zwnd probe pkts:           0           zwnd probe pkts:           0
    zwnd probe bytes:          0           zwnd probe bytes:          0
    outoforder pkts:           0           outoforder pkts:           0
    pushed data pkts:          1           pushed data pkts:          3
    SYN/FIN pkts sent:       1/1           SYN/FIN pkts sent:       1/1
    req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y           req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y
    adv wind scale:            0           adv wind scale:            1
    req sack:                  Y           req sack:                  Y
    sacks sent:                0           sacks sent:                0
    urgent data pkts:          0 pkts      urgent data pkts:          0 pkts
    urgent data bytes:         0 bytes     urgent data bytes:         0 bytes
    mss requested:          1460 bytes     mss requested:          1460 bytes
    max segm size:          1448 bytes     max segm size:          1448 bytes
    min segm size:          1052 bytes     min segm size:            65 bytes
    avg segm size:          1249 bytes     avg segm size:           749 bytes
    max win adv:           14480 bytes     max win adv:           66608 bytes
    min win adv:            5840 bytes     min win adv:           65556 bytes
    zero win adv:              0 times     zero win adv:              0 times
    avg win adv:            9148 bytes     avg win adv:           66457 bytes
    initial window:         2500 bytes     initial window:          189 bytes
    initial window:            2 pkts      initial window:            1 pkts
    ttl stream length:      2500 bytes     ttl stream length:      3750 bytes
    missed data:               0 bytes     missed data:               0 bytes
    truncated data:            0 bytes     truncated data:            0 bytes
    truncated packets:         0 pkts      truncated packets:         0 pkts
    data xmit time:        0.000 secs      data xmit time:        0.026 secs
    idletime max:          257.0 ms        idletime max:          203.1 ms
    throughput:             7914 Bps       throughput:            11871 Bps
...12 similar connections...
TCP connection 14:
       host aa:       sucrose.sugarmotor.net:35053
       host ab:       vps-18-138.virtualprivateservers.ca:80
       complete conn: yes
       first packet:  Mon Jan  1 14:09:43.755058 2007
       last packet:   Mon Jan  1 14:11:17.122339 2007
       elapsed time:  0:01:33.367281
       total packets: 23
       filename:      /tmp/clientside.dmp
  aa->ab:                            ab->aa:
    total packets:            14           total packets:             9
    ack pkts sent:             8           ack pkts sent:             9
    pure acks sent:            5           pure acks sent:            3
    sack pkts sent:            0           sack pkts sent:            0
    dsack pkts sent:           0           dsack pkts sent:           0
    max sack blks/ack:         0           max sack blks/ack:         0
    unique bytes sent:      2500           unique bytes sent:      3750
    actual data pkts:          2           actual data pkts:          5
    actual data bytes:      2500           actual data bytes:      3750
    rexmt data pkts:           5           rexmt data pkts:           0
    rexmt data bytes:          5           rexmt data bytes:          0
    zwnd probe pkts:           0           zwnd probe pkts:           0
    zwnd probe bytes:          0           zwnd probe bytes:          0
    outoforder pkts:           0           outoforder pkts:           0
    pushed data pkts:          1           pushed data pkts:          3
    SYN/FIN pkts sent:       6/1           SYN/FIN pkts sent:       1/1
    req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y           req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y
    adv wind scale:            0           adv wind scale:            1
    req sack:                  Y           req sack:                  Y
    sacks sent:                0           sacks sent:                0
    urgent data pkts:          0 pkts      urgent data pkts:          0 pkts
    urgent data bytes:         0 bytes     urgent data bytes:         0 bytes
    mss requested:          1460 bytes     mss requested:          1460 bytes
    max segm size:          1448 bytes     max segm size:          1448 bytes
    min segm size:          1052 bytes     min segm size:            65 bytes
    avg segm size:          1249 bytes     avg segm size:           749 bytes
    max win adv:           14480 bytes     max win adv:           66608 bytes
    min win adv:            5840 bytes     min win adv:           66606 bytes
    zero win adv:              0 times     zero win adv:              0 times
    avg win adv:            9148 bytes     avg win adv:           66607 bytes
    initial window:         1448 bytes     initial window:          189 bytes
    initial window:            1 pkts      initial window:            1 pkts
    ttl stream length:      2500 bytes     ttl stream length:      3750 bytes
    missed data:               0 bytes     missed data:               0 bytes
    truncated data:            0 bytes     truncated data:            0 bytes
    truncated packets:         0 pkts      truncated packets:         0 pkts
    data xmit time:        0.137 secs      data xmit time:        0.027 secs
    idletime max:        48000.0 ms        idletime max:          139.8 ms
    throughput:               27 Bps       throughput:               40 Bps

What is TCP Connection 1 about ("PCanywhere"); why for 2 minutes?
Could it be the ssh shell which is open at the same time?

TCP Connection 14 seems to be the one corresponding to the ca. 90
seconds response time recorded by the ruby command. It is the only one
with a line

SYN/FIN pkts sent:       6/1

All others have 1/1 in the first column (or 0/0 for the PCAnywhere connection)

To match things up, below is the excerpt from the serverside dump for
the same connections.

Should I look closely into the dump files themselves to see further?
What to look for? Or can anything be concluded with this alone?

Thanks a lot, and happy new year --


--- (Server side) ---

TCP connection 1:
       host a:        vps-18-138.virtualprivateservers.ca:pcanywherestat
       host b:        zz83092.cipherkey.net:55116
       complete conn: no       (SYNs: 0)  (FINs: 0)
       first packet:  Mon Jan  1 14:13:20.414784 2007
       last packet:   Mon Jan  1 14:15:00.446913 2007
       elapsed time:  0:01:40.032128
       total packets: 5
       filename:      /tmp/serverside.dmp
  a->b:                              b->a:
    total packets:             2           total packets:             3
    ack pkts sent:             2           ack pkts sent:             3
    pure acks sent:            0           pure acks sent:            2
    sack pkts sent:            0           sack pkts sent:            0
    dsack pkts sent:           0           dsack pkts sent:           0
    max sack blks/ack:         0           max sack blks/ack:         0
    unique bytes sent:       160           unique bytes sent:       224
    actual data pkts:          2           actual data pkts:          1
    actual data bytes:       160           actual data bytes:       224
    rexmt data pkts:           0           rexmt data pkts:           0
    rexmt data bytes:          0           rexmt data bytes:          0
    zwnd probe pkts:           0           zwnd probe pkts:           0
    zwnd probe bytes:          0           zwnd probe bytes:          0
    outoforder pkts:           0           outoforder pkts:           0
    pushed data pkts:          2           pushed data pkts:          1
    SYN/FIN pkts sent:       0/0           SYN/FIN pkts sent:       0/0
    req 1323 ws/ts:          N/Y           req 1323 ws/ts:          N/Y
    urgent data pkts:          0 pkts      urgent data pkts:          0 pkts
    urgent data bytes:         0 bytes     urgent data bytes:         0 bytes
    mss requested:             0 bytes     mss requested:             0 bytes
    max segm size:           128 bytes     max segm size:           224 bytes
    min segm size:            32 bytes     min segm size:           224 bytes
    avg segm size:            79 bytes     avg segm size:           223 bytes
    max win adv:           33304 bytes     max win adv:           19856 bytes
    min win adv:           33304 bytes     min win adv:           19856 bytes
    zero win adv:              0 times     zero win adv:              0 times
    avg win adv:           33304 bytes     avg win adv:           19856 bytes
    initial window:          128 bytes     initial window:            0 bytes
    initial window:            1 pkts      initial window:            0 pkts
    ttl stream length:        NA           ttl stream length:        NA
    missed data:              NA           missed data:              NA
    truncated data:            0 bytes     truncated data:            0 bytes
    truncated packets:         0 pkts      truncated packets:         0 pkts
    data xmit time:      100.016 secs      data xmit time:        0.000 secs
    idletime max:       100015.6 ms        idletime max:        99999.4 ms
    throughput:                2 Bps       throughput:                2 Bps
TCP connection 2:
       host c:        zz83092.cipherkey.net:55402
       host d:        vps-18-138.virtualprivateservers.ca:80
       complete conn: yes
       first packet:  Mon Jan  1 14:13:26.336098 2007
       last packet:   Mon Jan  1 14:13:26.637267 2007
       elapsed time:  0:00:00.301169
       total packets: 17
       filename:      /tmp/serverside.dmp
  c->d:                              d->c:
    total packets:             9           total packets:             8
    ack pkts sent:             8           ack pkts sent:             8
    pure acks sent:            5           pure acks sent:            2
    sack pkts sent:            0           sack pkts sent:            0
    dsack pkts sent:           0           dsack pkts sent:           0
    max sack blks/ack:         0           max sack blks/ack:         0
    unique bytes sent:      2500           unique bytes sent:      3750
    actual data pkts:          2           actual data pkts:          5
    actual data bytes:      2500           actual data bytes:      3750
    rexmt data pkts:           0           rexmt data pkts:           0
    rexmt data bytes:          0           rexmt data bytes:          0
    zwnd probe pkts:           0           zwnd probe pkts:           0
    zwnd probe bytes:          0           zwnd probe bytes:          0
    outoforder pkts:           0           outoforder pkts:           0
    pushed data pkts:          1           pushed data pkts:          3
    SYN/FIN pkts sent:       1/1           SYN/FIN pkts sent:       1/1
    req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y           req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y
    adv wind scale:            0           adv wind scale:            1
    req sack:                  Y           req sack:                  Y
    sacks sent:                0           sacks sent:                0
    urgent data pkts:          0 pkts      urgent data pkts:          0 pkts
    urgent data bytes:         0 bytes     urgent data bytes:         0 bytes
    mss requested:          1460 bytes     mss requested:          1460 bytes
    max segm size:          1448 bytes     max segm size:          1448 bytes
    min segm size:          1052 bytes     min segm size:            65 bytes
    avg segm size:          1249 bytes     avg segm size:           749 bytes
    max win adv:           14480 bytes     max win adv:           66608 bytes
    min win adv:            5840 bytes     min win adv:           65556 bytes
    zero win adv:              0 times     zero win adv:              0 times
    avg win adv:            9148 bytes     avg win adv:           66457 bytes
    initial window:         2500 bytes     initial window:         2237 bytes
    initial window:            2 pkts      initial window:            3 pkts
    ttl stream length:      2500 bytes     ttl stream length:      3750 bytes
    missed data:               0 bytes     missed data:               0 bytes
    truncated data:            0 bytes     truncated data:            0 bytes
    truncated packets:         0 pkts      truncated packets:         0 pkts
    data xmit time:        0.015 secs      data xmit time:        0.017 secs
    idletime max:          218.1 ms        idletime max:          201.4 ms
    throughput:             8301 Bps       throughput:            12451 Bps
TCP connection 14:
       host aa:       zz83092.cipherkey.net:55402
       host ab:       vps-18-138.virtualprivateservers.ca:80
       complete conn: yes
       first packet:  Mon Jan  1 14:13:31.191783 2007
       last packet:   Mon Jan  1 14:15:04.543351 2007
       elapsed time:  0:01:33.351567
       total packets: 23
       filename:      /tmp/serverside.dmp
  aa->ab:                            ab->aa:
    total packets:            14           total packets:             9
    ack pkts sent:             8           ack pkts sent:             9
    pure acks sent:            5           pure acks sent:            3
    sack pkts sent:            0           sack pkts sent:            0
    dsack pkts sent:           0           dsack pkts sent:           0
    max sack blks/ack:         0           max sack blks/ack:         0
    unique bytes sent:      2500           unique bytes sent:      3750
    actual data pkts:          2           actual data pkts:          5
    actual data bytes:      2500           actual data bytes:      3750
    rexmt data pkts:           5           rexmt data pkts:           0
    rexmt data bytes:          5           rexmt data bytes:          0
    zwnd probe pkts:           0           zwnd probe pkts:           0
    zwnd probe bytes:          0           zwnd probe bytes:          0
    outoforder pkts:           0           outoforder pkts:           0
    pushed data pkts:          1           pushed data pkts:          3
    SYN/FIN pkts sent:       6/1           SYN/FIN pkts sent:       1/1
    req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y           req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y
    adv wind scale:            0           adv wind scale:            1
    req sack:                  Y           req sack:                  Y
    sacks sent:                0           sacks sent:                0
    urgent data pkts:          0 pkts      urgent data pkts:          0 pkts
    urgent data bytes:         0 bytes     urgent data bytes:         0 bytes
    mss requested:          1460 bytes     mss requested:          1460 bytes
    max segm size:          1448 bytes     max segm size:          1448 bytes
    min segm size:          1052 bytes     min segm size:            65 bytes
    avg segm size:          1249 bytes     avg segm size:           749 bytes
    max win adv:           14480 bytes     max win adv:           66608 bytes
    min win adv:            5840 bytes     min win adv:           66606 bytes
    zero win adv:              0 times     zero win adv:              0 times
    avg win adv:            9148 bytes     avg win adv:           66607 bytes
    initial window:         1448 bytes     initial window:         2237 bytes
    initial window:            1 pkts      initial window:            3 pkts
    ttl stream length:      2500 bytes     ttl stream length:      3750 bytes
    missed data:               0 bytes     missed data:               0 bytes
    truncated data:            0 bytes     truncated data:            0 bytes
    truncated packets:         0 pkts      truncated packets:         0 pkts
    data xmit time:        0.131 secs      data xmit time:        0.020 secs
    idletime max:        47998.4 ms        idletime max:          141.9 ms
    throughput:               27 Bps       throughput:               40 Bps
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