MQ wrote:
> The  mailing list denied all the mail from my previous mail box provided by
> Netease(NASDAQ: NTES) from China mainland, even I subscribed to -net, and
> asked me to wait the moderator's approval. But after I changed my
> mailbox to
> gmail, the filter never returned such message. I don't know why I can't
> post
> to -net even I subscribed to it. Maybe a misconfiguration?

No.  At least, not misconfiguration at side.

I have discussed the situation with David (the postmaster@) and this
seems to be caused by misconfiguration and wrong implementation of the
e-mail standards by NTES, which in turn caused SpamAssassin to provide
false positives (personally I do not think that they should be
considered as false positives, they are REAL problems that should be
addressed and corrected).

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