On Saturday 14 October 2006 09:14, Dan b wrote:
> I searched the archives for this and was unable to
> find anything relevant.  I have a machine that is
> being used as a NAT Router with IPFW and IPNAT running
> 5.3-RELEASE.  I'm only using IPFW to keep track of
> traffic, no actual packet filtering is going on.

I recommend that you use pf for that.  A simple pfctl -e with no ruleset 
will get you 64bit packet and byte counters for all interfaces using 
pfctl -vvsI or for a specific interface with:

> 7:14 [~]amd64# pfctl -vvsI -i fxp0
> fxp0    (instance, attached)
>  Cleared:     Fri Sep 29 23:24:37 2006
>  References:  [ States:  0                  Rules: 15                 ]
>  In4/Pass:    [ Packets: 46986037           Bytes: 28315507365        ]
>  In4/Block:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
>  Out4/Pass:   [ Packets: 43460700           Bytes: 40071770000        ]
>  Out4/Block:  [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
>  In6/Pass:    [ Packets: 9982               Bytes: 3320321            ]
>  In6/Block:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
>  Out6/Pass:   [ Packets: 5259               Bytes: 418780             ]
>  Out6/Block:  [ Packets: 3                  Bytes: 192                ]

> The problem is that the statistics reported by netstat
> seem to reset themselves intermittently.  Last night I
> ran netstat -ib and got an Ibytes stat of around 2.1GB
> on my sis0 adapter.  Today I ran netstat -ib and got
> an Ibytes stat of around 600MB on my sis0 adapter.
> The system has around 29 days of uptime, and I have
> run ipfw zero a few times, but have not run netstat -z
> at all.  Let me know if you have any ideas about this.

This is because the numbers reported by netstat are based on (signed) 
32bit counters.  Either you sample these numbers at a high enough rate or 
you use other 64bit counters (see above).

/"\  Best regards,                      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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