On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 05:19:12PM +0900, JINMEI Tatuya / [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]@C#:H wrote:
> I should have looked at it much earlier (sorry about the delay), but I
> don't this change is correct.  This will easily bother statically
> installed route (especially) on a point-to-point interface.

No problem if I can get your help now. :-)

> The key point here is whether the route is statically created or not.
> And, if I understand your intent correctly, the host route you want to
> install is not really "static" in that it can (or should) be removed
> when it's detected to be unreachable, right?

Maybe I should state what I want to achieve again.

What I'm trying to do is to add a host route to a machine directly
connected. It sounds stupid because you normally don't need it, but
I'm busy porting net/olsrd to FreeBSD/IPv6. Currently it only have
linux ipv6 support. Olsrd is a mesh routing protocol used in adhoc
wireless networks. The one reason you want to add these routes is
because you might have more than one wireless interface on the
same subnet, covering different areas. So you need to add a route
to the interface that can talk to the host. So after some struggling
and questions on freebsd-net, I came up with code that do the
equivalent of: "route add -inet6 <dest_ip> <my_ip_on_that_if> -interface
-ifp <ifname> -llinfo -nostatic" in olsrd and this patch. If there
is an easier way, I would love to use it. I would have liked if
something simple like "route add -inet6 <dest_ip> -interface <ifname>"
did work on "normal" interfaces like ethernet and wireless interfaces

Olsrd will remove the route again when it isn't needed or correct
anymore, so there is no need for it to be removed by the OS. It
probably shouldn't be marked static either because routing deamons
do not normally do that.

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