I have IBM T43 notebook with this wireless internal card:

iwi0: <Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG> mem 0xa8401000-0xa8401fff irq 11 at
device 2.0 on pci4

The problem is FreeBSD bricks my notebook on boot sometime. After I've
turned rc.d debugging on I see it hangs after ifconfig_up: iwi0
operation. It happens quite rarely when I use a power supply and very
often when my notebook boots on battery.

The problem has appeared when a new driver for ipw/iwi was introduced.

A fresh CURRENT here. When the problem was firstly arised it was 6.0.

Because my notebook bricked I can't get a core dump or a debugger.

Any hints please how can I get more info on this?

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