> Thanks for your reply,
> It seems that HP ProCurve 5400 series doesn't support fec trunking :
> hp(config)# trunk A3-a5 trk1 fec
> Invalid input: fec
> hp(config)# trunk A3-a5 trk1 ?
>  trunk                 Do not use any protocol to create or maintain
> the trunk.
>  lacp                  Use IEEE 802.1ad Link Aggregation protocol.
>  <cr>
> hp(config)#
> Can ng_fec handshake with switch via "trunk" option instead of "fec" ?
According to HP docs, FEC should "work" with the 'trunk' setting.
It will loose all features tough, and just become a 'dumb' bonding-style 
thing, with no redundancy and other features.

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,

Bart Van Kerckhove
http://www.it-ss.be - "Solid Solutions for your IT needs"
"There are 10 kinds of ppl; those who read binary and those who don't"
> Antony Mawer yazmış:
>> On 22/09/2006 6:58 PM, Özkan KIRIK wrote:
>>> Does ng_fec module support Dynamic LACP (802.3ad) protocol ?
>>> i have an HP Procurve 5406 switch, i am trying to make a fail over
>>> connection between switch and freebsd.
>>> Does ng_fec support "Fail over" for links ?
>> The ng_fec module doesn't support LACP (it would be really nice if it
>> did!!!), but you can configure it manually if you've got access to
>> the console of the switch. I setup exactly this configuration today
>> (although in this case it was for bandwidth aggregation rather than
>> fall-over) using an HP Procurve 5308xl.
>> The procedure went something like this:
>> 1) First, create a new startup script in /etc/rc.d/ to configure the
>> Netgraph interface on startup... this was a quick hack-up, but does
>> the job:
>>     ---- begin /etc/rc.d/ngfec ----
>>     $ cat /etc/rc.d/ngfec
>>     #!/bin/sh
>>     #
>>     # PROVIDE: ngfec
>>     # REQUIRE: root
>>     # BEFORE: netif
>>     # KEYWORD: nojail
>>     . /etc/rc.subr
>>     name="ngfec"
>>     start_cmd="ngfec_start"
>>     stop_cmd=":"
>>     # Netgraph FEC startup script
>>     ngfec_start()
>>     {
>>             echo -n "Configuring netgraph FEC device: "
>>             ngctl mkpeer fec dummy fec
>>             ngctl msg fec0: add_iface '"em0"'
>>             ngctl msg fec0: add_iface '"em1"'
>>             echo "done."
>>     }
>>     load_rc_config $name
>>     run_rc_command "$1"
>>     ---- end of /etc/rc.d/ngfec ----
>> 2) Configure the new fec0 interface in /etc/rc.conf:
>>     ifconfig_fec0="inet a.b.c.d netmask w.x.y.z"
>> 3) Telnet to the HP switch, and do the following:
>>     i) Type "show trunk" and identify what trunk group names are
>>        already in use. These will be in the format of "TrkN", eg.
>> Trk1,Trk2,...
>>     ii) Identify which ports are to be configured as part of trunk
>>         (eg. in my case, C1 and C2)
>>   iii) Select the next available trunk group name (eg. Trk7), and
>>        configure the trunk by typing:
>>        switch# config t
>>        switch(config)# trunk C1-C2 Trk7 fec
>>        switch(config)# exit
>> 4) Once the FreeBSD machine is rebooted, the link should be up....
>> I'm not sure what the behaviour is when one of the links goes down...
>> I don't know if that interface is simply removed from the trunk group
>> and the remaining ones continue to operate?
>> Hope this is useful to others out there, as I had trouble finding any
>> good documentation on how to do this :-) I owe thanks to lukem dot
>> freebsd at cse dot unsw dot edu dot au for the Netgraph commands for
>> getting the FreeBSD fec side of things up and running; the rcNG
>> script above is based on the commands he provided me with, put into
>> rcNG format so I could integrate it with the boot sequence easily.
>> Cheers
>> Antony
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