On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 09:24:03AM +0000, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> Hi,


> [just replying to a random mail of one of the various NAT-T threads
>  at this point]
> I had started to review the code (to find some problems people had
> with the patch) and came up with the following so far. This work
> was done based on the old freebsd6-natt.diff which is no longer
> available:( but should equally apply to the new one.

There have been some changes between the patch you've worked on and
the latest I released a few days ago, but most things will probably be
trivial to port, I'll start to do that as soon as I'll have
integrated/tested/commited (on ipsec-tools website) Larry's patch for


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