On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 08:38:02AM +0400, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:
> Andrew, good day!
> > The check for ARP happens before the ipfw layer2 code so it isnt
> > currently possible to filter them. 
> > 
> >      switch (ether_type) {
> >          case ETHERTYPE_ARP:
> >          case ETHERTYPE_REVARP:
> >                  return (0); /* Automatically pass */
> I am a bit confused because in the another thread (also created by
> Jon Otterholm) you've answered that
> -----
> The only way that you will be able to filter ARP packets is by setting
> pfil_onlyip=0, ipfw=1 and use the IPFW layer2 filtering.
> -----
> citing the same code. Am I understand something incorrectly or these
> two answers do contradict with each other?

Yes, thats just me being stupid :)

My first answer to Jon was not correct, you can not currently filter
ARP. I have attached a patch that should make this possible my
rearranging things.

Thanks for pointing it out.

Index: if_bridge.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/net/if_bridge.c,v
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -u -p -r1.79 if_bridge.c
--- if_bridge.c 25 Aug 2006 20:11:56 -0000      1.79
+++ if_bridge.c 14 Sep 2006 04:38:50 -0000
@@ -490,11 +490,9 @@ sysctl_pfil_ipfw(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS)
                 * Disable pfil so that ipfw doesnt run twice, if the user
                 * really wants both then they can re-enable pfil_bridge and/or
-                * pfil_member. Also allow non-ip packets as ipfw can filter by
-                * layer2 type.
+                * pfil_member.
                if (pfil_ipfw) {
-                       pfil_onlyip = 0;
                        pfil_bridge = 0;
                        pfil_member = 0;
@@ -2736,34 +2734,6 @@ bridge_pfil(struct mbuf **mp, struct ifn
-       /*
-        * If we're trying to filter bridge traffic, don't look at anything
-        * other than IP and ARP traffic.  If the filter doesn't understand
-        * IPv6, don't allow IPv6 through the bridge either.  This is lame
-        * since if we really wanted, say, an AppleTalk filter, we are hosed,
-        * but of course we don't have an AppleTalk filter to begin with.
-        * (Note that since pfil doesn't understand ARP it will pass *ALL*
-        * ARP traffic.)
-        */
-       switch (ether_type) {
-               case ETHERTYPE_ARP:
-               case ETHERTYPE_REVARP:
-                       return (0); /* Automatically pass */
-               case ETHERTYPE_IP:
-#ifdef INET6
-               case ETHERTYPE_IPV6:
-#endif /* INET6 */
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       /*
-                        * Check to see if the user wants to pass non-ip
-                        * packets, these will not be checked by pfil(9) and
-                        * passed unconditionally so the default is to drop.
-                        */
-                       if (pfil_onlyip)
-                               goto bad;
-       }
        /* Strip off the Ethernet header and keep a copy. */
        m_copydata(*mp, 0, ETHER_HDR_LEN, (caddr_t) &eh2);
        m_adj(*mp, ETHER_HDR_LEN);
@@ -2836,9 +2806,14 @@ ipfwpass:
        error = 0;
-        * Run the packet through pfil
+        * Run the packet through pfil. (Note that since pfil doesn't understand
+        * ARP it will pass *ALL* ARP traffic.)
        switch (ether_type) {
+       case ETHERTYPE_ARP:
+       case ETHERTYPE_REVARP:
+               return (0); /* Automatically pass */
        case ETHERTYPE_IP:
                 * before calling the firewall, swap fields the same as
@@ -2930,7 +2905,14 @@ ipfwpass:
-               error = 0;
+               /*
+                * Check to see if the user wants to pass non-ip
+                * packets.
+                */
+               if (pfil_onlyip) {
+                       error = -1;
+                       goto bad;
+               }
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  • Re: Bridge Andrew Thompson

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