On 9/7/06, Nikolas Britton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 9/6/06, Dinesh Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 09/05/06 17:19 Bjoern A. Zeeb said the following:
> > On Tue, 5 Sep 2006, Andrew Sinclair wrote:
> >
> >> $ pciconf -lv
> >> ...
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:0:0:    class=0x020000 card=0x00011179 chip=0x436211ab
> >> rev=0x15 hdr=0x00
> >>   vendor   = 'Marvell Semiconductor (Was: Galileo Technology Ltd)'
> >>   device   = '88E8053 Yukon PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (copper)'
> >>   class    = network
> >>   subclass = ethernet
> >> ...
> > This is becoming a FAQ;) Search the archives of this list for example.
> > Maybe start with
> > http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-net/2006-January/009543.html
> we've got a device with the same NIC (0x432611ab). however our attempts to
> get it to work took two paths, both with less then stellar results:
> 1. attempting to force the sk(4) driver to recognize this card by
> commenting out the ifdef not_yet works in that the driver recognizes the
> card, but it then subsequently fails to work or receive/xmit packets.
> constant "can not stop transfer of Tx descriptor" and "can not stop
> transfer of Rx descriptor" messages which indicate a timeout failure on
> reading a register.
> 2. using the driver provided by the link above, and it's newer
> version from the marvell website has the NIC recognized and working as a
> myk(4) device with one caveat: the moment IPFILTER is turned on and even
> with rules which permit all packets the card stops transmitting/receiving
> packets. this wont do for us as the primary function of the box is a
> firewall and we're using IPFILTER without an option of using PF or IPFW at
> the moment.

I've had similar happen with this driver. If you change the
net.inet.tcp.sendspace and net.inet.tcp.recvspace sysctls the card
will do the same thing. My solution was to buy a new motherboard with
Intel 82563EB connections.

Thank you all for the information. I intend to test this more
thoroughly later today. I just can't have BSD on this system full time
right now.

For what its worth, a recent Ubuntu installation handles the card
without a problem. E-Mail me if you would like me to provide any
relevant technical details.
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