I am sometime using the environment IEEE802.1a SNAP on ethernet.
        But FreeBSD's network stack supports only EtherframeII as IP.  So
        I researched how to use on IEEE802.1a SNAP.  I think that following
        approch is good.  But I couldn't do it:-(.

        # ngctl mkpeer . eiface if_ngeth ether
        # ngctl mkpeer . atmllc . ether   (Does not create a node)
        # ngctl list
        There are 5 total nodes:
          Name: ngctl61978      Type: socket          ID: 000000be   Num hooks: 0
          Name: ngeth0          Type: ether           ID: 000000ae   Num hooks: 0
          Name: <unnamed>       Type: eiface          ID: 000000ad   Num hooks: 0
          Name: iwi0            Type: ether           ID: 00000002   Num hooks: 0
          Name: rl0             Type: ether           ID: 00000001   Num hooks: 0

        | ngeth0  |
             | EtherframeII
             | IEEE802.1a SNAP
        |   rl0   |

        Sorry, I cannot draw above network graph like 'ngctl dot' stlye.
        So I don't know that above graph is whether OK or NG.
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