
We have experienced a very sporadic problem on 2 amd64 machines running FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE.

The hardware:

 Tyan K8SR motherboard
 2 AMD 275 dual-core processors
 Intel Pro 1000 MT dual-port copper server card
 Intel Pro 1000 MF dual-port fiber server card
 Adaptec 2230S Raid controller

These machines receive multicast & tcp data on multiple interfaces and process it & record it to disk and then rebroadcast it on one interface.

Twice now (once on each machine after a recent upgradee to 6.0-RELEASE) the 2 fiber em interfaces seemed to stop receiving. Transmits seemed to still be happening, and the machine itself was not hung. We could console into it and do anything not network related.

The first time this happened we opted to quickly disconnect the machine from the network and move its processes to a backup machine. We did not see anything interesting with netstat, vmstat, logs, etc (I do not remember however which exact tests I ran at the time). Everything seemed normal except that it was not receiving on the 2 fiber interfaces (we did not actually test the other interfaces, but one of our apps that uses the copper interfaces was still receiving data). We rebooted the machine and ran Intel's nic diagnostics. The card passed all of the tests through like 100 iterations.

We eventually put the machine back into production. The second machine had the same problem. Unfortunately I was on vacation when it happened and did get to do any diagnostics. The developers just put the backup machine into production and rebooted the one with the problem.

After poking around in various group/pr postings the most similar problem that we found was PR #72970.

Does it seem that we are encountering that bug? Is that bug fixed in 6.1-RELEASE, or is there an easy patch to 6.0-RELEASE (i.e. can we only patch the em driver).

If it does not seem that we are triggering that bug, does anyone have any thoughts about what the problem could be?

We have done fairly intense stress testing in the past on these machines with tons of network/disk/cpu/memory activity all happening at the same time, and we've never encountered this bug. The fact that it is not easily repeatable makes it hard to test for. Any testing suggestions would also be appreciated.

Rob Watt
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