Ruslan Ermilov wrote:

On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 07:58:03PM +0530, Rajkumar S wrote:
On 8/19/06, Ruslan Ermilov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 07:05:49PM +0530, Rajkumar S wrote:
Any points to docs to read about a packet's traversal in FreeBSD ip
stack? (especially wrt pf)

What level of detalization do you need?  Filters, such as pf(4), are
embedded into the normal processing using the pfil(9) API.
I am a relative newbie learning freebsd. A broad overview with
pointers to manpages are ideal.  like the the simple pointer to
pfil(9) you gave along with a small description of where it appears.

Then you can always start from reading the source code.
It's been written by human beings.  :-)

while the above seems harsh it turns out that /sys/netinet/ip_input.c is in fact a very easy file to
read due to the serial nature of ip processing.. give it a try

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