On Mon, Jul 24, 2006 at 04:09:29PM +0200, Marko Zec wrote:
> > There's a project called 'vimage' which adds a separate virtual forwarding
> > table per jail. This might work for you, although all the natd's "outside"
> > interfaces would need to sit on the same interface, and I don't know if it
> > can do that.
> Yes this should work with a virtualized stack - all the "outsied" interfaces 
> in each jail / virtual stack could be simply bridged together using netgraph 
> which is virtualization-agnostic, i.e. a global facility in the current 
> implementation of "vimage".
> Of course a significant problem might be that the stack virtualization 
> patches 
> exist only for FreeBSD 4.x, but there's a very good chance that a formal 
> project aimed at bringing vimage into sync with 6.x and -CURRENT could start 
> shortly...

Also, what would really suit him is a netgraph IP interface node - i.e.
something which takes raw ethernet frames from the interface, performs IP
encapsulation/decapsulation and ARP - and an IP forwarding node with its own
forwarding table. Has anyone done any work in that area? It would be really
cool for VPN edge routing, for example.


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