On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 05:11:18PM +1000, Bruce Evans wrote:
 > On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Pyun YongHyeon wrote:
 > Please trim quotes.
 > >On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 06:04:26PM +1000, Bruce Evans wrote:
 > >> To max out the link without unmaxing CPU for other uses, you do have
 > >> to know when the tx approaches running out of packets.  This is best
 > >> done using watermark stuff.  There should be a nearly-complete interrupt
 > >> at low water, and (only after low water is reached and the interrupt
 > >> handler doesn't refill the tx ring to be above low water again) a
 > >> completion interrupt at actual completion.  My version of the sk driver
 > >> does this.  It arrange for the nearly-complete interrupt at about 32
 > >> fragments (min 128 uS) before the tx runs dry, and no other tx interrupts
 > >> unless the queue length stays below 32, while the -current driver gets
 > >> an interrupt after every packet.  It does this mainly to reduce the
 > >> tx interrupt load from 1 per packet to (under load) 1 per 480 fragments.
 > >> The correct handling of OACTIVE is obtained as a side effect almost
 > >> automatically.  ...
 > >>
 > >> I'm not very familiar with NIC hardware and don't know how other NICs
 > >> support timing of tx interrupts, but watermark stuff like the above
 > >> is routine for serial devices/drivers.  sk's support for interrupting
 > >> on any fragment is too flexible to be good (it is painful to program,
 > >> and there doesn't seem to be a good way to time out if there is no
 > >> good fragment to interrupt on or when you program the interruption on
 > >> a wrong fragment).
 > >> ...
 > >AFAIK SK GENESIS has no programming interface for a watermark.
 > >Some advanced hardware provides a way to interrupt when it reaches
 > >a programmed threshold but SK does not. It just provides a way whether
 > >hardware should raise an interrupt depending on Tx descriptor value.
 > >By tracking number of index it's possible to generate an interrupt
 > >for every N frames instead of every frame(1 <= N <= MAX Tx. Desc.).
 > I only have a Yukon, and think that's what I do, with a very variable N.
 > (Do we mean the same thing by the "Tx descriptor value"?  I mean

 > SK_TXCTL_EOF_INTR.  Surely that's portable -- it's used in all versions
 > of sk with no ifdefs for GENESIS.).
 > My sk_start() tries to fill the tx ring (to length 512) and then put
 > an interrupt mark only on the last fragment in a packet nearest to 32
 > from the end, so in the best case N is about 480, but it us less if
 > tx is not streaming.  Cases where there is not much choice are harder
 > to program.  I had some success with removing interrupt marks and with
 > dummy packets of length 0 whose purpose is just to hold an interrupt
 > mark, but I don't trust those methods.  I didn't try putting an
 > interrupt mark on fragments in the middle of a packet.  That would be
 > simpler if it works.

I think it would take a long time to generate an Tx completion
interrupt for committed frames(every frame vs. the last frame) The
hardware may have some free Tx descriptors before generating an
Tx completion interrupt. I guess it would be more efficient if we
know there are some free Tx descriptors and use it before waiting for
an Tx completion interrupt. Just waiting for a completion interrupt
would add additional latency. Anyway, I have to experiment it.

 > >We may also need to add a routine to reclaim pending Tx descriptors
 > >before sending frames in sk_start if number of available Tx descriptors
 > >are less then a threshold.
 > I'm not sure what you mean here.  If there are < 32 tx descriptors
 > available, AND there is an (active) descriptor with an interrupt mark,
 > then my sk_start() just sets IFF_OACTIVE and returns.  The case where
 > there are < 32 tx descriptors but no descriptor with an interrupt mark
 > is trickier: a mark must be added, and I don't trust adding it to an
 > active packet, so it must be added to a new packet, but it might be
 > impossible to add one for the following reasons:
 > - no space.  The magic 32 is hopefully enough.
 > - no packets in the ifq.  My sk_start() tries to leave a spare one when
 >   one might be needed, but I think upper layers can eat it.
 > A dummy packet of length 0 can be used to handle both cases but may be
 > bad for the network -- does the hardware send a frame with no data?

I can't sure.
Since you know when you have to insert interrupt mark in sk_encap
I think you can use m_defrag and set SK_TXCTL_EOF_INTR.

 > >However I don't know how the driver should handle transmit errors
 > >occurred between interrupt-less Tx operations. Just flushing all
 > >committed frames would result in poor TCP performance.
 > Doesn't the hardware just proceed to the next packet without interrupting
 > (except possibly for a special error interrupt), and anyway act the same
 > as if the interrupt were delayed by interrupt moderation?  Errors for
 > individual packets don't seem to be detected or reported in either case.

Yes that is the problem. It seems that there is no way to know which
packet caused Tx errors and I think we have no choice but flushing
entire FIFOs. SK just flushes all frames in FIFO if it detect Tx
FIFO underrun or Rx FIFO overflow. But I can't sure how Yukon should
handle this case. The flushing routine in sk is guess work from
Linux skge implementation and I don't know internal details of Yukon
hardware. Since Yukon uses defferent registers to flush FIFOs and the
existence of unique registers related with interrupt and FIFOs I guess
it uses completely different approach.

 > >The difference between Yukon and SK hardware also make it hard to
 > >implement above interrupt-less Tx operations. There is no publicly
 > My version is not interrupless, but tries to use tx interrupts for
 > everything, just not many of them.

Ok, I'll take your idea and will try to experiment it next week.

Pyun YongHyeon
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