On Thu, 25 May 2006, Ed Pigg wrote:

> Now when the server starts it hangs for aboutn 5 minutes when the "starting
> sshd" message is displayed. I can ping the name servers, but nslookup times
> out when querying well known web sites. I must have overlooked something or
> left something out? Any help appreciated.

Just because you can ping a nameserver doesn't mean that the name server 
is there (or available for you).

You can easily test by using some other nameserver (unless you have some 
firewall restrictions somewhere). For example, does the following work for 

  host www.freebsd.org NS0.FREEBSD.ORG

Then also test using your IP for nameserver as listed in your 
/etc/resolv.conf (replace A.B.C.D below):

  host www.freebsd.org A.B.C.D

Make sure your /etc/resolv.conf file is correct format and has correct 
name servers that you have permission to use.

Or run named on your FreeBSD box and use it.

Have a look at the handbook:


 Jeremy C. Reed

sed ss,s50EBsg | tr 0-M 'p.wBt SgiIlxmLhan:o,erDsduv/cyP'
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