If memory serves me right, Ed Schouten wrote:

> I'm seeing the messages on the machine in Eindhoven (running RELENG_6
> from a few days/weeks ago), but they also show up on my HEAD machine at
> home. Below is the output of `ifconfig gif0` on my machine at home:
> | gif0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
> |         tunnel inet -->
> |         inet6 fe80::202:a5ff:fe58:4927%gif0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7 
> |         inet6 2001:7b8:310::1 --> 2001:7b8:2ff:a4::1 prefixlen 128 

Hi Ed--

Fair enough...the workaround that I did won't work for you because it's
not possible to aggregate the two ends of the tunnel into a single /127.

> As far as I know, the latest FreeBSD releases show an error message when
> assigning an address with a non-128 prefixlen.

Actually I thought the problem was just point-to-point tunnel interfaces
with a prefix length of 128.

I am not sure what to do with your patch (which is what you originally
asked about) since I'm not sure what the correct behavior is in this
case.  In other words, I know something's wrong but I don't know what
the right solution is.

I'm copying suz@ and ume@ to see if either of them might have any
opinion.  (Guys, sorry to bother you but could one of you take a look at
this thread on net@ and comment?  Thanks!)


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