Mike Silbersack wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> >> Looks to me like skyr decided to close the connection, and it closed as
> >> expected.  I think the problem is probably above the TCP layer - have you
> >> tried an older version of rlogin to see if that makes a difference?
> >
> > Hmm. Thanks Mike,
> > Until you wrote that I was thinking of install an old FreeBSD to try as
> > a bridge, something like 2.2.8, in case of TCP difference, but now
> > youve written that, as It's petty much a binary machine,
> > perhaps I screwed the config somehow in /etc so I'll take another look,
> > then.  do a reload from tape to a sub dir, & run a find + cmp & rm
> > C prog with my http://berklix.com/~jhs/src/bsd/jhs/bin/public/cmpd/cmpd.c
> I actually meant that rlogin on the client side might be the problem - 
> could you try the rlogin from 2.2.8 running under 6.0?
> Mike "Silby" Silbersack

So, now knowing the problem was the Symmetric end, I reverted tons
of stuff on the 4.2-BSD NSC-32016 Symmetric 375 (
http://berklix.com/~jhs/symmetric/ ) to manufacturer's defaults, &
finaly standard rlogin to it worked from both FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
& FreeBSD 6.1-RC, & stays logged in for days, no problem :-) Thanks Mike!

Julian Stacey.  Consultant Unix Net & Sys. Eng., Munich.  http://berklix.com
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