Lowell Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Oliver Fromme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > I'm running FreeBSD/i386 RELENG_6 as a guest within qemu
 > > on a FreeBSD host.  Guest and host are connected through
 > > the usual tap0/ed0 virtual ethernet.
 > > 
 > > The host receives an 802.1Q VLAN trunk from a VLAN-capable
 > > Cisco switch, and uses several VLANs from within that trunk.
 > > I would like to access some of the VLANs from the guest OS
 > > running in qemu, too, but haven't been able to find out how
 > > to do that.
 > > 
 > > So, here's the question:  Is it possible to "forward" a
 > > VLAN trunk into a qemu guest somehow, so that both host
 > > and guest can use VLANs from it?
 > Yes.  [Fabulously useful technique, by the way; I have set up some
 > very complicated test configurations on a single fiber this way.]
 > You need to bridge to the guest's interface.

Ah, bridge ...  Thanks for the hint.  I was looking in the
directions of IPFW FWD, net.inet.ip.forwarding, netgraph
and similar things.  Using bridge didn't cross my mind for
some reason.  :-)

 > I think this is the minimum example you'll need as a hint:
 > ifconfig bridge0 create
 > ifconfig vlan11 create
 > ifconfig vlan11 vlan 11 vlandev ti0 up
 > qemu -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=52:54:00:12:12:01 -net 
 > tap,ifname=/dev/tap0,vlan=0 disk.image
 > ifconfig bridge0 addm vlan11 addm tap0 up

Well, that would feed vlan11 into the qemu guest, right?
What I need is to feed the whole trunk into the quemu guest,
so I can do create the vlan interfaces within the guest.

Would it work to bridge the whole (physical) trunk interface
into the guest?  i.e. following your example:
ifconfig bridge0 addm ti0 addm tap0 up

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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