On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 10:51:02AM -0500, Eric W. Bates wrote:
> I'm trying to link a FreeBSD 5.3 machine with a Juniper appliance and
> I'm failing during the phase one negotiation.
> Without spamming the list with copious output, can anyone help me
> decipher the racoon error:
> Mar 22 08:18:06 <daemon.info> fw racoon: ERROR: ignore information
> because ISAKMP-SA has not been established yet.
> With log set to 'debug2', there is a lot of information; but this is the
> first line in the log which is expresses any level of warning or error.


ipsec-tools-devel(/user) ML is probably really more appropriate for
such a question, I just didn't have time to answer your mail on it for
now :-)

The short answer is "this error is probably NOT related to your
problem", and i'll do the long answer on ipsec-tools-devel "asap"


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