On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 01:49:14AM +0100, Joerg Pernfuss wrote:
> Hi,
> on the german questions list someone encountered 'ip reassembly time
> exceeded' errors on his router running 5.4-RELEASE. Looking at the
> ip_id of the packets, it seemed like the same error.
> Here is a naive RELENG_5 adaption of Ruslan's patch for RELENG_6 -
> sadly the user already started upgrading to FreeBSD6 by the time
> I had this patch ready, so it is untested (and I don't exactly know
> if one has to fix more than that).
Sorry, I won't be committing this myself to RELENG_5 mostly due
to lack of time to manage four branches (I still care about
RELENG_4 for job reasons).  I guess you'll have to find another
interested committer.  The full commit was made to RELENG_6
where it covered everything that needed to be patched.

Ruslan Ermilov
FreeBSD committer

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