Brian Candler wrote:
> The IPSEC documentation at
> is
> pretty weird. It suggests that you encapsulate your packets in IP-IP (gif)
> encapsulation and THEN encapsulate that again using IPSEC tunnel mode.


> This is a really strange approach which is almost guaranteed not to
> interoperate with other IPSEC gateways. (It might be useful if you were
> using etherip encapsulation and attempting to bridge two remote networks,
> but that's not what it's doing either. In any case, if you're encapsulating
> with a different protocol then you only need IPSEC transport mode, not
> tunnel mode)

That's what I've found the easiest: Encapsulation with gif tunnels and
then IPSec transport mode encryption.

Due to the way IPSec Tunnel mode is implemented routing protocols don't
work well over it (ie: most routing protocols need an interface and next

> ISTM that this chapter should be rewritten to use IPSEC tunnel mode solely.
> Do people here generally agree? If so I'll try to find the time to modify
> it.

I'd suggest adding, not replacing.


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