I have a setup that was a 10 megabit hub holding together a freebsd6 firewall/router/webserver/other box. Updated that to a 10/100 megabitt Belkin g+ router for wireless. The problem now that i'm having is both the server and this new router do the following:
and they both utilize separate subnets. I'd like for the Belkin router to handle wireless traffic, while the original fbsd router handles wired as well as it's original functions of firewall, nat, dns, and dhcp. If anyone has any experience with this or recommendations i'd appreciate it. My thought was turn off the dhcp server on the belkin router and let the original fbsd server's dhcp server handle it, but i'm not sure if doing so will disable it's ability to accept wireless clients. I'd also like the wireless network to be secure.
Some urgency!

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