If memory serves me right, Doug Barton wrote:

> I have been using the experimental IPv6 connection described at
> http://www.research.earthlink.net/ipv6/ for some time now, and it works very
> well. If anyone is interested in using IPv6 in a real way in FreeBSD, I
> would encourage you to give it a try. If you shop around a little it's
> fairly easy to pick up a Linksys WRT54G in the $40 range or so.


Another data point, mostly of interest to folks in the San Francisco or
Los Angeles areas:  sonic.net [1] DSL users have been able to get IPv6
tunnels for a couple years now for no extra charge as an unsupported
service...I've been using this feature almost since day one and it plays
with FreeBSD very nicely.



[1] Not to turn this post into a commercial, but I'm an extremely
satisfied user of this ISP.  I'd be happy to give more details off-list.

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