Hi,> > if_bridge has been imported into FreeBSD 6.0 and I believe will be
> > merged to 5.x before 5.5.
> A candidate MFC patchset is at:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~thompsa/if_bridge-5stable.diff and is believed 
> to
> be production quality (judging from the reports for RELENG_6 so far). 
> There
> might be minor problems and/or yet undiscovered problems, but only testing
> gets it there.  Andrew is certainly thankful for any feedback!
Ok, that's great info. Thanks guys.> > I can't speak for ECMP.
That's a pity, we've had lots of issues when running redundant setups with 
VRRP, where VRRP tried to add the same route (on another interface) before 
the failed/old one got deleted (by OSPFd). This resulted in a faillure to 
add the new route, afterwards OSPF deletes the 'old' route, and you end up 
with no valid route at all.This is one of the major problems people are 
experiencing when running GNU/Zebra/Quagga in a redundant setup afaik. 
Current fixes in those circles consist of dirty hacks, such as shutting down 
and restarting OSPFd whenever VRRP acts. I feel it should be possible to 
resolve this at kernel level, eliminating the need for userlevel hacks.So 
i'll simply repeat the proposal: anyone willing to develop support for ECMP 
(or just routes with metrics on them, not doing ECMP, but allowing multiple 
routes to the same prefix, on different/the same interface, with unique 
metrics)?As stated before, I'm very much willing to sponsor its 
development.> >
> > LACP is supported by ng_fec.  The fact that you don't like it is a
> > seperate issue.  FWIW, ng_fec only uses netgraph for configuration.
> > It's not really a netgraph node.  I'd personally like to see OpenBSD's
> > if_trunk imported and LACP added, but I certainly don't have time.
Well, when referring to not liking the NetGraph approach, i was specifically 
talking about NG_ONE2MANY(4) - which is a dirty hack (imho) to have some of 
the goodies of ECMP support.I'm not seeing ng_fec on freebsd4.11, but 5.x is 
an option, so problem solved with regards to LACP.Kind regards,Met 
vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,Bart Van [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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