Julian Elischer wrote:

Being able to remove interfaces would be really great. Then I could
create extra logging interfaces in each vimage and not worry about
the cleanup nightmare afterwards. Right now, I have a lot of script
code just to find and reuse old ngeth interfaces sitting around in the
default vimage and if I'm to have two types of those interfaces
(one for logging, that has one underlying netgraph tree structure, and
one for test traffic, using another netgraph tree structure) it would
likely be at least twice as much trouble. That's why I was looking for
some other way of communicating between different vimages.

"use the source Luke"
I know it seems like a lot but the netgraph code and the networking interface code are
relatively simple..

Well, I'm tempted to do that but I'm a bit scared it will turn out to be a major task - I mean, being able to remove network interfaces is a pretty useful feature so why hasn't it been implemented? Or has it really just not been high enough priority for
anyone to bother with?

>interface removal in 4.x was nt quite "finished"
>there are several viewpoints from which th einterface is not quite removed.
>(as you have found)
>I can not remember the details as It all changed in 5.x

Anyone else who can fill me in on the basic problem with interface removal under 4.x? What is it that doesn't work, what code (files) should I look at if I want to try and
fix it?


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