Thanks for your reply.

I use pf from OpenBSD and nat does not allow unicast responses.
Is it possible to run nat and multicast on FreeBSD successfully?

Vanyushenkov Alexey

-----Original Message-----
From: Biswas, Anumita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:14 PM
To: ?????????? ???????;
Subject: RE: novell through freebsd firewall

Is there some way of determining the membership of SLP multicast groups
on each physical interface of the FreeBSD? If you are using mrouted,
then there is a debug level to check membership. Using that, you can
verify if the first interface shows one of more members of the SLP
multicast groups. If there are no members on the first interface,
Freebsd multicast routing will not forward the replies to the first
interface. If there are no members, then it could mean that the user
agent on the NetWare client has not joined the SLP multicast groups and
may need some configuration. 

Another reason why it is not working could be due to multicast across
NAT. I don't know how NAT works with multicast packets. Here multicast
packets are sent towards the Novell servers. But on the reverse path,
unicast responses with a local IP belonging to the Novell server come
back which is the usual NAT. Perhaps NAT is not configured to allow
these packets?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:32 AM
Subject: novell through freebsd firewall

Hi all!


I'm sorry for my poor English.


I have Novell netware clients version 4.91 working over ip on windows
2000 boxes which connect to novell netware servers.

Everything is good when clients and servers are on the same subnet.

I want to separate clients from servers by FreeBSD firewall with 2
interfaces, one ifece is in one subnet,

another iface is in another subnet and nat.


When client sends request to udp

And udp

It does not receive answer.


I tuned freebsd box to forward multicast packets, after that freebsd
receives request on one iface, then after nat is

Forwards in to second iface and sends multicast packet to servers.
Servers send answers to second freebsd iface

And do not forward them to first iface.


Could anyone can help me please


Vanyushenkov alexey



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