On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 11:43:17AM -0400, David Gilbert wrote:
> Lars> My point is that this very unwise decision to reuse the VRRP
> Lars> protocol number, makes CARP mostly undeployable for ISP
> Lars> datacenter environments, and hence there is an obvious need for
> Lars> a working VRRP implementation, it doesn't help that CARP is now
> Lars> available in FreeBSD, because it is not a viable alternative in
> Lars> a lot of scenarios.
> I think the origional point was that you'd need to pay Cisco a patent
> licence to use VRRP... which was why people stopped working on it.

Lars's point here is that is pretty stupid to prevent people from using
both implementations cleanly in the same network... As in: using Cisco
stuff in your net together with *BSD machines.


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