In reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

> Hi Nickolay,
> >>>>> "Nickolay" == Nickolay A Kritsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Nickolay> Hello sirola, Try to switch one of the NICs to
>     Nickolay> half-duplex mode. This should do the trick.
> thanks for the tip, it works now. What could be the reason for the NIC
> working in half-duplex mode? 

This looks to me like a textbook duplex-mismatch situation.  I expect 
that if you had configured the switch port for full-duplex mode it 
would have worked just as well if not better.  Without knowing what 
switch you're using it's difficult to say.

I have seen a huge number of problems with duplex mismatches over the 
years.  Every vendor has problems, and they are all different 
problems.  In short, if you want to be sure things will work, 
manually set both the switch and the host to the same speed and 
duplex settings.  After you've done that, test it to make sure.

When someone says they can only get 50k to 80k through a FastE, 
duplex mismatch is the first place I look.  In my opinion, duplex 
negotiation should be taken out and shot....


> Thanks again,
> e.
> -- 
> Enrico Sirola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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