On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 05:55:41 -0700 (PDT), Yohan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 17:48:15.035656 0:8:a1:5f:b5:4b Broadcast 8863 60:
> PPPoE PADI [Host-Uniq UTF8]
> 17:48:15.049217 0:4:e6:4:41:1 0:8:a1:5f:b5:4b 8863 76:
> PPPoE PADO [AC-Name "BANYAN"] [AC-Cookie UTF8]
> [Service-Name] [Relay-Session-ID UTF8] [Host-Uniq
> UTF8]
> 17:48:15.049232 0:8:a1:5f:b5:4b 0:4:e6:4:41:1 8863 60:
> PPPoE PADR [Host-Uniq UTF8] [AC-Cookie UTF8] [AC-Name

And the missing bit is the PADS packet (which we're expecting from the
PPPoE server).  Here, the netgraph node is resending the PADR after 2
seconds of inactivity, then dropping back to sending a PADI all over

Interestingly enough, the PADR doesn't seem to have the Service-Name
or Relay-Session-ID tags that the PADO has - perhaps that's what's
causing the problem...  certainly the PADO handling code that sends
the PADS calls scan_tags() which is supposed to copy tags not already
handled from the PADO into the PADR.

Julian, have you any comments on this ?


Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      <http://www.Awfulhak.org>                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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