Does anyone have wireless experience?  I'm off to the US next week and I
thought I'd buy some (cheaper) wireless kit whilst I'm out there.  I
would like to run 100mb wireless (802.11g?) on both my laptop and my
home server which I guess means that I'd like a recommendation for both
pccard as well as pci.  I'm running -current on the laptop and -stable
on the server, although this can be upgraded to 5.x if necessary.  The
server is currently an ethernet bridging firewall (IPFW) and ideally I'd
like to be able to filter the wireless segment also.  Is it possible to
using a wireless card in the machine and be able to filter at a MAC
address level?  I want a bit of control of the network.  Is there a
recommended configuration?

Josef Karthauser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
FreeBSD (cvs meister, admin and hacker)
Physics Particle Theory (student)
================ An eclectic mix of fact and theory. =================

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