On Sat, May 01, 2004 at 02:03:17AM -0700, Mitch (bitblock) wrote:
> Thanks Artyom...
> The PC's behind FBSD1-3 are on private network addresses. The ADSL
> infrastructure and ATM paths will only route the assigned public address to
> the router FBSD4. There is no VLAN-aware switch, it's just the way that the
> ATM paths are configured that made it a close analogy (so I thought).

May be it is possible to use proxy arp on de "gateway" FBSD4 machine. So all
machines can talk to each thru FBSD4 box. We use some similair setup to 
prevent people to talk to each without us knowning (bigboss is watching).

All traffic will then be handled by the proxy arp box. 

> The VPN stuff might be easy if I could figure out how to make FBSD1-3 route
> through FBSD4 (regardless of the fact that they are all on the same
> subnet... the traffic from FBSD1 needs to "bounce" off FBSD4 on it's way to
> FBSD3 for example... either that, or maybe the gif interfaces count as
> distinct interfaces for routing?
> m/
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