Hi Tom, There is a problem with freevrrpd and em drivers. em driver go down,wait 2 seconds, and become up again when an SIOCIFLLADDR is used. So a flapping problem will appear. The last revision in CVS resolve this problem and a new parameter called carrier_timeout (see the man with the new revision) can be used to precise the number of seconds for waiting interface to be up. New parameters for spanning tree latency and vlan has been added because when a switch port will be down and up, the port switch became in learning state and a flapping problem will result from that. Try to disable spanning tree or set the spanning tree parameter with the duration of the learning state.
You can disable monitored circuits too if you want. Is you have any problems about freevrrpd, let me know with logs/conf. Regards, Sebastien. -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:08 AM Subject: freevrrp problem > Having a problem with a very simple freevrrp config. > This is FreeBSD 5.2.1p5 > > /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf : > [VRID] > serverid = 1 > interface = em0 > priority = 255 > addr = > password = dlvip > #masterscript = "/usr/local/bin/master_script.sh" > #backupscript = "/usr/local/bin/backup_script.sh" > > If I start freevrrpd I get : > May 11 17:35:40 downloads1-new freevrrpd[61294]: launching daemon in > background mode > May 11 17:35:40 downloads1-new freevrrpd[61295]: initializing threads and > all VRID > May 11 17:35:40 downloads1-new freevrrpd[61295]: reading configuration file > /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf > May 11 17:35:41 downloads1-new freevrrpd[61295]: send ip =, > eth = 0:0:5e:0:1:1 > May 11 17:35:41 downloads1-new freevrrpd[61295]: send ip =, > eth = 0:0:5e:0:1:1 > May 11 17:35:41 downloads1-new freevrrpd[61295]: server state vrid 1: master > May 11 17:35:41 downloads1-new freevrrpd[61295]: interface em0 is faulty, > deactivated from VRRP VRIDs > May 11 17:35:42 downloads1-new freevrrpd[61295]: send ip =, > eth = 0:4:23:9a:97:a4 > May 11 17:35:42 downloads1-new freevrrpd[61295]: server state vrid 1: backup > > > Hardware is a Dell 650 with, of course, onboard Intel Pro/1000. > Also using freevrrp on other Dell650's, but they came with Pro/100's ( fxp ) > and work fine, so I'm leaning towards hardware or driver quirks, but any > ideas appreciated. > > Thanks. > > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > - Tom Arnold - When I was small, I was in love, - > - Sysabend - In love with everything. - > - CareTaker - And now there's only you... - > -------------- -- Thomas Dolby, "Cloudburst At Shingle Street" - > > _______________________________________________ > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list > http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-net > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" > > Les informations contenues dans ce message sont confidentielles et peuvent constituer des informations privilegiees. Si vous n etes pas le destinataire de ce message, il vous est interdit de le copier, de le faire suivre, de le divulguer ou d en utiliser tout ou partie. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, merci de le supprimer de votre systeme, ainsi que toutes ses copies, et d en avertir immediatement l expediteur par message de retour.... Il est impossible de garantir que les communications par messagerie electronique arrivent en temps utile, sont securisees ou denuees de toute erreur ou virus. En consequence, l expediteur n accepte aucune responsabilite du fait des erreurs ou omissions qui pourraient en resulter. --- ----------------------------------------------------- --- The information contained in this e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are not the addressee you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return e-mail. E-mail communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions which arise as a result. _______________________________________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-net To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"