>>>>> "Jacob" == Jacob S Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jacob> On Thursday 25 March 2004 03:45 pm, you wrote:
>> > Can you disable VLAN_HWTAGGING?
>> Not without modifying if_nge.c, but it should be pretty trivial.

Jacob> As trivial as setting chaning:
ifp-> if_capabilities = IFCAP_HWCSUM | IFCAP_VLAN_HWTAGGING;
Jacob> to:
ifp-> if_capabilities = 0;

Jacob> This didn't solve the problem completely though.  On the remote
Jacob> host I can now see tagged frames from the if_nge host, but the
Jacob> reply frames from the if_em host or not visible at all on the
Jacob> if_nge host (via tcpdump).

Are you dumping all packets?  We've found that you can dump a specific
vlan on nge's, but you can't get good data by dumping the raw port
itself.  No matter how it's set, in both Linux and FreeBSD, many nge
chipsets will not show vlan packets from the driver with a tcpdump.


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