Dear collegues,

   a port of ng_netflow has been just commited to ports
tree. It builds both on STABLE and CURRENT, and was tested
to work on really busy routers.
   As before, I'd be glad for any kind of feedback: ideas,
patches and else. Thanks.

(Also crossposted to -net).

Totus tuus, Glebius.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 02:45:02PM +0300, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
T> in recent time I have written down a netgraph node implementing
T> Cisco's Netflow version 5 export feature on a FreeBSD router.
T> It is currently in alpha state. However I've been succesfully
T> using it for two weeks on a couple of routers.
T> I'd be glad if someone will use it, and I'd be glad for any kind
T> of feedback: ideas, patches and else.
T> Source can be downloaded from
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