Thanks for your reply Jon!

I've checked the driver cd and it had the drivers under Drivers\LAN\4401\
and I seem to remeber thats what windows once called it. The unidentified
chip id isnt a supprise, the card worked, and suddenly turned into a
unknown device in windows, so it must have changed somehow.

So if the chip stil works then adding/changing the device id sounds like
a plan. Having casted a underskilled eye at the sources I'm not sure what
file to edit, but is this it?:

ln 396: #define BCOM_DEVICEID_BCM4401   0x4401

(Appologies for asking, but I dont want to mess my new and shiny setup :)

Bjorn Eikeland wrote:

I've just changed to using freebsd on my desktop pc, my Asus A7V8X
motherboad has a onboard Broadcom chip - this just stopped working under
windows and turned into a unknown device. Asus or vendor's support never
replied so I just picked up a new fxp card.

Depending on the options, this board either has BCM4401 or BCM5702. Note "(optional)" written on the box next to Gigabit LAN. My old Asus P4PE had the BCM4401 and I had a lot of trouble with buggy drivers (*bfe*). The gigabit chip (BCM5702) uses bge. Try adding both to the kernel with mii to see if either works. Also, their might be a more detailed part number on a sticker somewhere.

pciconf shows this device to be a:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9:0: class=0x008000 card=0x80008000 chip=0x800014e4 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
vendor = 'Broadcom Corporation'
class = old

According to and, chip=0x800014e4 is unidentified. vendor 14e4 is Broadcom, but device id 8000 is a mystery. Although, this is close: Good luck with that. You may just need to edit the code and add a device id?


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