On Thu, 08 Jan 2004 13:02:23 +1000

> The first thing you should try is setting the ethernet card to use
> autosense. This enables the autosense pulse to be sent to the switch,
> without this some passive/unmanaged switches can get very confused and
> switch speeds and duplex at seemingly random intervals for a while
> before eventually sorting themselves out again. You should only ever
> set
> speed & duplex manually if you can set it at BOTH ends. 
> The easiest way to identify this as the problem is to do a 'netstat
> -i'
> and check for collisions. If everything on that LAN segment is full
> duplex all the time, there should be none. You will most likely have
> to
> wait for the problem to occur again before the collisions appear.

A few things ..

First, both speed & duplex are set manualyl at both ends. In fact, I did
this more than a year ago as a recommendation to solve this particular
problem we're discussing now. In other words, the problem existed before
I manually set speed/duplex, and afterwards.

Second, the problem doesn't ever sort itself out. If I don't reboot the
server, the problem continues indefinitely. 

Last, here is the output of netstat and ifconfig:

Note: The parts marked with 'x' are indicating my internet IP address,
which I am futilely trying to mask. 


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