Good analysis, I don't believe that any of us had heard of these issues. 
Rolling it back for 5.2-release makes sense to me, but I think we should
leave it alone in -current and work through the problems.

I'm out of town without a way to commit, so it'd be best if some other
developer can talk to re@ and make this happen.

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

> I've been asked (for freebsd-bugs) to open a discussion about PR
> kern/60889 on freebsd-net, to decide if a recent change to IP should be
> reversed before 5.2-RELEASE (scheduled this month) to give more time for
> some serious issues and risks my PR has raised to be considered and
> tested.  My proposal is to revert to 5.1 behaviour for now.
> The recent change is to emit a zero fragmentation id when DF is set,
> with the objective of improving privacy from external id sequence
> observation, an issue raised by Steve Bellovin's paper in IMW'02.
> I've identified 4 problems with this change:
> 1) Even with path_mtu_discovery set, for some reason TCP emits FIN-ACK
>    without DF.  This causes two problems for this change:
>    a) Currently the change doesn't really meet its objective for TCP,
>       it just means FIN-ACK must be observed.
>    b) Because now just one id is consumed per TCP connection on the
>       FIN-ACK, for most/many systems id becomes a close approximate
> count of the number of TCP connections it has made, which external
> observers can see, not possible before this change.  To me this
> seems more of a privacy issue for all FreeBSD users than the NAT
> issue in Steve Bellovin's paper this change seeks to solve.
> 2) Linux made exactly this change some time ago, around Linux 2.4.4,
>    but was forced to back-out the change because (I think) of practical
> connectivity issues related to the comment in include/net/ip.h
>    ip_select_ident() where it now implements an incrementing ip_id for
> DF:
>      /* This is only to work around buggy Windows95/2000
>       * VJ compression implementations.  If the ID field
>       * does not change, they drop every other packet in
>       * a TCP stream using header compression.
>       */
>    I'm not aware that anyone checked that this buggy Windows95/2000 VJ
> compression problem is no longer an issue in practice.  I doubt that
> the large web hosters who use FreeBSD would be best-pleased if they
> ran into this for even just a few users - especially as there is no
> config option to disable this change.
> 3) This change causes ip_id for non-DF to be output in native
>    byte order in ip_output.c.  Unfortunately ip_id is still output in
> Network Byte Order in ip_mroute.c and raw_ip.c, so this change risks
> little-endian machines emitting the same fragmentation id at about
> the same time from these different modules, rather than the usual 64k
> cycle; creating a small but real risk of re-assembly errors. [This
> isn't in my PR, I've only just noticed it.]
> I also have a suspicion that some middle-boxes (like HTTP
> load-balancers) may clear DF without setting a fresh IP id - clearing DF
> would save them the bother of routing ICMP fragmentation needed back to
> the source server. If this is so this is another problem this change
> could show up which may cause re-assembly errors.  I know the bug is
> elsewhere, but it would still become a practical problem for some
> FreeBSD users.
> So before going with this change I think four things need to be done:
> 1) TCP changed so FIN-ACK goes out with DF if path_mtu_discovery set.
> 2) Tests with Windows95/2000 TCP VJ compression (RFC1144) run.
> 3) ip_id should be emitted in the same byte order everywhere.
> 4) The change made a config option, so sites can disable it should
>    they run into problems, just as RANDOM_IP_ID is an option.
> This all seems too much to do for 5.2-RELEASE, and as I think the
> problems and risks sufficiently serious, I propose reversing the change
> until this can be done.  We need a quick decision on this to get it into
> 5.2-RELEASE.
> The PR has some more detail and tcpdump output demonstrating the
> issue:
> The change to be reversed can be seen at:
> NB If anyone can easily run tests with Windows95/2000 TCP VJ compression
> that would be great (using tcpdump to see if there is abnormal
> retransmission).
> NB2 If anyone knows why FIN-ACK goes out without DF that would be
> helpful. I've quickly looked at the source, and I can't see why.  It's
> emitted as TCP moves from FIN_WAIT_n state to TIME_WAIT probably at line
> 3091 of tcp_input.c with a call to tcp_output().  tcp_output() always
> appears to set IP_DF at line 998 of tcp_output.c, if path_mtu_discovery
> is enabled. A puzzle.
> Thanks to Boris Staeblow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Tim Rylance
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for highlighting this change and helping me
> diagnose the issues.
>       Richard
> --
> Richard Wendland                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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