
Yes, I was successful actually :)

The configuraton was as follows(ip addresses changed to hide the box-- s/real.ip.address/192.168.1/g):

Co-located machine had 2 IP addresses assigned:
        inet netmask 0xffffffc0 broadcast
        inet netmask 0xffffffff broadcast
        ether 00:02:b3:d1:c5:39
        media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
        status: active

Machine at office had two bridge mode 1.5Mbit/256kbit ADSL connections(The IP addresses were just ifconfig'd on each NIC).

The co-lo machine's ppp.conf is as follows:
#---start ppp.conf---
 #Only enable logging for troubleshooting
 #set log CBCP CCP Chat Connect Command IPCP tun Phase Warning Debug LCP sync
 #set log Connect tun Phase Debug LCP
 set log Connect tun Phase LCP
 #set log Chat Connect Command IPCP tun Phase Warning LCP

 set timeout 0
 set speed 0
 set device
 set enddisc MAC
 set mrru 1450
 set mtu 1450
 set mru 1450
 set dial
 set login
#       Addresses for: MyAddr, HisAddr, Netmask
# set ifaddr
# set ifaddr
 set ifaddr

 #Chap is encrypted, pap isnt
 enable chap
 disable pap
 enable MSCHAPv2
 enable lqr

#---End ppp.conf---

The co-lo machine's ppp.secret contains:
#---start ppp.secret---
username_goes_here      password_goes_here
#---end ppp.secret---

/etc/inetd.conf on the co-lo machine had the following lines added: #--start-- #incoming ppp ppp-in stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/ppp ppp -direct ppp-in #--end--

/etc/services had the following added: #--start-- ppp-in 7900/tcp #incoming TCP ppp session #--end--

The Office Machine's ppp.conf is as follows: #---start ppp.conf--- default: #set log CBCP CCP Chat Connect Command IPCP tun Phase Warning Debug LCP sync set log Connect tun Phase LCP

multilink: set escape 0xff # set device set speed sync set ctsrts off set timeout 30 set authname username_goes_here set authkey password_goes_here # enable lqr set mrru 1450 set mtu 1450 set mru 1450 clone 1,2 link 1 set device link 2 set device link deflink remove link 1,2 set mode ddial

#---end ppp.conf---

ppp on the office machine was started with:
ppp -background multilink

The co-lo machine's uname -v:
FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #1: Sat Jul 12 22:10:42 WST 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]<obscured>.com.au:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SERVER

The office machine's uname -v:
FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #0: Sat Jul 5 17:35:42 WST 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]<obscured>.org.au:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SERVER

Performance increase was about what I expected.. doing an FTP download
we were seeing about 280kb/sec. Uploads were going at about 38kb/sec

Not too bad considering it was a quick and dirty job. I tried to get it going with UDP but it refused to
work for some reason. Perhaps MTU/MRU stuff could be tuned a bit more finely but in the end
it wasnt going to be quite fast enough for the client. He was hoping to see 45kb/sec for uploads.

Let me know how you go :)

ive cc'd this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the hope that it becomes useful to some one else also.
Mabye something a bit too obscure for the FAQ or Handbook.. let me know if im wrong :)

Cheers, -Shaun

*im not subscribed to the net mailing list. Please email me directly*

Leon Verheem wrote:
Have you had any luck setting up the multilinking? If so any tips you might have would 
be appreciated as I have a similar project
Leon Verheem

Subject: Using multilink ppp(or similar) over 2 bridge mode ADSL connections...
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Shaun Dwyer)
Newsgroups: freebsd.net
Organization: TAC News Gateway
Date: Jul 25 2003 09:12:53
Hi All,

Please include me in the to: line as I'm not subscribed to this list(Thanks!).

I have a project where I need to be able to use the full available bandwidth of 2x 1.5M/256k ADSL links. I will have a machine co-located at a local ISP shortly and hope to run a ppp(or other?) server on that machine, and make 2 connections to it from the home machine (one on each ADSL link). Has anyone done this before? any ideas as to the best way to achieve this? Secure data transmission is a must. I'm thinking that ipsec on the tunnel thats established would be sufficient.

This is more in an effort to gain full speed access to the machine terminating
remote end of the link. Access to the net via this multilink connection is not


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