
Nick Barnes wrote:
At 2003-08-13 15:43:51+0000, Lars Eggert writes:
Nick Barnes wrote:

I have some MAC addresses from a local Ethernet segment. I want to convert them into IP addresses. How can I do that programmatically?

net/arping from port:

Thanks for the reference. I had a look at arping. It works by sending a broadcast ping to the specified MAC address (not to the broadcast MAC). I note that FreeBSD machines do respond to such pings (unlike regular broadcast pings), but some machines do not (e.g. WinXPPro, NT4).

it also supports setting the source IP and MAC address to one specified on the command line. This usually works for these other boxes, if you use a valid one for the net you're on.

Since asking the question, I have been rummaging around in user-space
network code (e.g. in the sources for arp, ping, and ifconfig) and
have written a couple of little utilities:
I can provide sources on request any time; once these things are a bit
more polished I will put them on the web.

Interesting! Maybe turn them into a port once they're stable?

Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           USC Information Sciences Institute

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