Per a list members request, I've attached dumps of the following commands:

arp -a
netstat -m
ipfw show
netstat -s
netstat -i

One caveat, I've hidden all IP addresses that could be used to divine my
netblock...  I guess I'm a little paranoid about people inspecting my
firewall configuration :-)  <MYHOST1> and <MYHOST2> are public (routable) IP
addresses of the two machines I have behind the firewall.

One additional note.  Since I first composed this message early this
afternoon, the responsiveness of the internal NIC on the firewall has
bounced up and down a bit.  Here's a bit of a log of it's activity:

11:57 DOWN
12:06 UP (reboot)
12:26 DOWN
2:18 UP
3:14 DOWN
5:43 UP

The odd thing is that it's been in operating fine for a few months now (it's
a fairly new installation), and the last change I made to the firewalls
config was well over a week ago.

I hope this helps figure out what's going on!!  Thanks in advance for your

Kindest Regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of William Knechtel
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 6:56 PM
> Subject: Help with FreeBSD Bridged Firewall
> Hello!
> Help!! I'm running a PC with dual NICs and FreeBSD 4.8 for a bridged
> firewall. I've got a private IP tied to the internal card on the
> box for remote management. The firewall blocks any 10.x traffic
> coming in on
> the external card, so to remotely admin it, I have to shell into a machine
> on the same isolated network segment that it's on, and then shell
> over from
> that machine.
> Today around noon, the machine suddenly stopped responding to
> pings. I went
> down to the server room and couldnt find anything wrong.   No notes on the
> console screen, no anomalous entries in the security or message
> logs. So, in
> the interest of getting it back up quickly, I rebooted it. That worked.
> About an hour later, the same thing happened... my network
> monitor tells me
> that it's not responding to pings. So before I go down to the
> server room, I
> run a few tests... the firewall is still blocking packets like a champ.  I
> run nmap against a host the firewall protects, and everything comes back
> fine.  But when I go downstairs to the console, I can't ping out to it's
> buddy, and no incoming pings work either.  I'm at a loss
> on how to
> troubleshoot this, folks.  I could really use a few ideas, so please send
> them along!
> Thanks in Advance!
> Bill
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> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
# arp -a
? ( at 00:01:53:80:e2:40 on dc0 permanent [ethernet]
? ( at 00:02:b3:a8:3d:2b on dc0 [ethernet]

# netstat -m
129/160/4992 mbufs in use (current/peak/max):
        129 mbufs allocated to data
128/136/1248 mbuf clusters in use (current/peak/max)
312 Kbytes allocated to network (8% of mb_map in use)
0 requests for memory denied
0 requests for memory delayed
0 calls to protocol drain routines

# ipfw show
00100     24      1824 allow udp from 123 to <MYHOST1> 123
00200     23      1748 allow udp from 123 to <MYHOST1> 123
00300     24      1824 allow udp from 123 to <MYHOST1> 123
00400     24      1824 allow udp from 123 to <MYHOST1> 123
00500      0         0 allow udp from 123 to <MYHOST2> 123
00600      0         0 allow udp from 123 to <MYHOST2> 123
00700      0         0 allow udp from 123 to <MYHOST2> 123
00800      0         0 allow udp from 123 to <MYHOST2> 123
00900      0         0 deny ip from to any via vr0
01000   1316    132222 deny ip from to any via vr0
01100    512     65098 deny ip from to any via vr0
01200      0         0 deny ip from to any via vr0
01300   6363   1136947 allow ip from to any via dc0
01400   5952    374220 allow ip from any to any via lo*
01500 214096 106791094 allow ip from X.X.211.64/26 to any
01600    176     21124 allow ip from X.X.122.180 to any
01700    703     33825 allow icmp from any to any
01800    898    130784 allow ip from X.X.204.192/28 to any
01900      0         0 allow ip from X.X.211.68 to any
02000  51768   7784246 allow ip from any to X.X.255.255
02100      0         0 allow tcp from any to <MYHOST1> 53
02200      0         0 allow udp from any to <MYHOST1> 53
02300  11915   2725386 allow tcp from any to <MYHOST1> 80
02400      0         0 allow udp from any to <MYHOST1> 80
02500    659    444559 allow tcp from any to <MYHOST1> 25
02600      0         0 allow udp from any to <MYHOST1> 25
02700      0         0 allow tcp from any to <MYHOST1> 110
02800      0         0 allow udp from any to <MYHOST1> 110
02900      0         0 allow tcp from any to <MYHOST1> 143
03000      0         0 allow udp from any to <MYHOST1> 143
03100      0         0 deny tcp from any to <MYHOST1> 3306
03200      0         0 deny udp from any to <MYHOST1> 3306
03300      0         0 deny tcp from any to <MYHOST1> 6101
03400      0         0 deny tcp from any to <MYHOST1> 8192
03500      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 53
03600      0         0 allow udp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 88
03700      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 135
03800      0         0 allow udp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 137
03900      0         0 allow udp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 138
04000      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 139
04100      0         0 allow udp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 389
04200      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 445
04300      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 464
04400      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 636
04500      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 3268
04600      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.211.64/26 to <MYHOST2> 3269
04700    168     13430 allow tcp from X.X.33.84 to <MYHOST2> 389
04800      0         0 allow udp from X.X.33.84 to <MYHOST2> 389
04900      8       643 allow tcp from X.X.33.75 to <MYHOST2> 389
05000      0         0 allow udp from X.X.33.75 to <MYHOST2> 389
05100      0         0 allow ip from X.X.15.22 to <MYHOST2>
05200      0         0 allow ip from X.X.15.41 to <MYHOST2>
05300      0         0 allow ip from X.X.15.25 to <MYHOST2>
05400      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.15.15 to <MYHOST2> 53
05500      0         0 allow tcp from X.X.15.16 to <MYHOST2> 53
05600   7565    303432 deny tcp from any to X.X.211.64/26 setup
05700    227     18147 allow tcp from any to X.X.211.64/26 1024-65535
05800    364     89403 allow udp from any to X.X.211.64/26 1024-65535
05900  24660   2746580 deny log ip from any to any
65535     17       997 deny ip from any to any

# ifconfig
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        ether 00:01:53:80:e2:40
        media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
        status: active
        ether 00:e0:4c:9c:83:1a
        media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
        status: active
lp0: flags=8810<POINTOPOINT,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
        inet netmask 0xff000000
ppp0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
sl0: flags=c010<POINTOPOINT,LINK2,MULTICAST> mtu 552
faith0: flags=8002<BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500

        1632 packets sent
                482 data packets (396644 bytes)
                12 data packets (12480 bytes) retransmitted
                0 resends initiated by MTU discovery
                760 ack-only packets (3 delayed)
                0 URG only packets
                0 window probe packets
                0 window update packets
                378 control packets
        2001 packets received
                838 acks (for 396325 bytes)
                2 duplicate acks
                0 acks for unsent data
                824 packets (388527 bytes) received in-sequence
                0 completely duplicate packets (0 bytes)
                0 old duplicate packets
                0 packets with some dup. data (0 bytes duped)
                0 out-of-order packets (0 bytes)
                0 packets (0 bytes) of data after window
                0 window probes
                367 window update packets
                0 packets received after close
                0 discarded for bad checksums
                0 discarded for bad header offset fields
                0 discarded because packet too short
        4 connection requests
        371 connection accepts
        0 bad connection attempts
        0 listen queue overflows
        373 connections established (including accepts)
        374 connections closed (including 2 drops)
                0 connections updated cached RTT on close
                0 connections updated cached RTT variance on close
                0 connections updated cached ssthresh on close
        2 embryonic connections dropped
        838 segments updated rtt (of 472 attempts)
        24 retransmit timeouts
                2 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
        0 persist timeouts
                0 connections dropped by persist timeout
        0 keepalive timeouts
                0 keepalive probes sent
                0 connections dropped by keepalive
        22 correct ACK header predictions
        412 correct data packet header predictions
        371 syncache entries added
                0 retransmitted
                0 dupsyn
                0 dropped
                371 completed
                0 bucket overflow
                0 cache overflow
                0 reset
                0 stale
                0 aborted
                0 badack
                0 unreach
                0 zone failures
        0 cookies sent
        0 cookies received
        1504 datagrams received
        0 with incomplete header
        0 with bad data length field
        0 with bad checksum
        0 with no checksum
        1502 dropped due to no socket
        2 broadcast/multicast datagrams dropped due to no socket
        0 dropped due to full socket buffers
        0 not for hashed pcb
        0 delivered
        1503 datagrams output
        44537 total packets received
        0 bad header checksums
        0 with size smaller than minimum
        0 with data size < data length
        0 with ip length > max ip packet size
        0 with header length < data size
        0 with data length < header length
        0 with bad options
        0 with incorrect version number
        0 fragments received
        0 fragments dropped (dup or out of space)
        0 fragments dropped after timeout
        0 packets reassembled ok
        3743 packets for this host
        1503 packets for unknown/unsupported protocol
        0 packets forwarded (0 packets fast forwarded)
        26203 packets not forwardable
        35 packets received for unknown multicast group
        0 redirects sent
        4891 packets sent from this host
        0 packets sent with fabricated ip header
        0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
        0 output packets discarded due to no route
        0 output datagrams fragmented
        0 fragments created
        0 datagrams that can't be fragmented
        0 tunneling packets that can't find gif
        0 datagrams with bad address in header
        1502 calls to icmp_error
        0 errors not generated 'cuz old message was icmp
        Output histogram:
                echo reply: 231
                destination unreachable: 1502
        0 messages with bad code fields
        0 messages < minimum length
        0 bad checksums
        0 messages with bad length
        1 multicast echo requests ignored
        0 multicast timestamp requests ignored
        Input histogram:
                echo reply: 4
                destination unreachable: 1502
                echo: 232
        231 message responses generated
        0 invalid return addresses
        0 no return routes
        ICMP address mask responses are disabled
        0 messages received
        0 messages received with too few bytes
        0 messages received with bad checksum
        0 membership queries received
        0 membership queries received with invalid field(s)
        0 membership reports received
        0 membership reports received with invalid field(s)
        0 membership reports received for groups to which we belong
        0 membership reports sent
-- Bridging statistics (bdg) --
Name          In      Out  Forward     Drop    Bcast    Mcast    Local  Unknown
dc0:1     155257   296115   136083        0      345    15217     2203     1409
vr0:1     315444   153056   114414        0   179526    19433        0     2071

# netstat -i
Name  Mtu   Network       Address            Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs  Coll
dc0   1500  <Link#1>    00:01:53:80:e2:40   155605     0   297006     0     0
dc0   1500  10/24            5273     -     4916     -     -
vr0   1500  <Link#2>    00:e0:4c:9c:83:1a   316350     0   153370     0     0
lp0*  1500  <Link#3>                             0     0        0     0     0
lo0   16384 <Link#4>                          3104     0     3104     0     0
lo0   16384 your-net      localhost             48     -       48     -     -
ppp0* 1500  <Link#5>                             0     0        0     0     0
sl0*  552   <Link#6>                             0     0        0     0     0
faith 1500  <Link#7>                             0     0        0     0     0
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