On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 07:27:38PM -0600, Brett Glass wrote:
B> I haven't gotten any hopes up, but it would be nice. It seems as
B> if the only alternatives are to un-GNU PoPToP (which requires
B> a clean room team; possible but not easy) or to create a FreeBSD
B> pptpd that is analogous to pppoed. This would use your work, Archie,

IMHO, this is not good idea. Currently I'm running two different types
of access points:

1) PPPoE concentrators: pppoed + ppp
2) PPTP server: mpd with huge mpd.conf and mpd.links

As I remember, Brett said that mpd allocates a number of nodes for
each connection in kernel memory. That's right. But in case of pppoed+ppp
or imaginary pptpd+ppp you will have a user-level process and
ng_socket for each connection. Not shure that it will take less memory.
But it will do a lot of context switching.

On my own experience it looks like PPTP (no comperssion, no encryption) access
point with mpd is more robust than PPPoE one with pppoed+ppp.

Currently I'm planning to look into Alexandr Motin's patches giving
PPPoE server support for mpd.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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