On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 23:40:24 -0700, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> Check that it's negotiating the media type and options correctly.  On
> the gohan machines it has been failing to negotiate full-duplex mode
> for the past few months, leading to LAN transfer speeds on the order
> of 20kps unless I set the media options explicitly.

I am not in a full-duplex environment, and autoselect set it to half-duplex as
int i;main(){for(;i["]<i;++i){--i;}"];read('-'-'-',i+++"hell\
o, world!\n",'/'/'/'));}read(j,i,p){write(j/p+p,i---j,i/i);}
                                        -- IOCCC 1984

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