On Wed, 28 May 2003, Ivailo Tanusheff wrote: > Hi, > > I have some problem I can't deal with and maybe because of my not so > good English language skills I can't find in the mail archive. > > I have following configuration: a WAN network, with single internet > access point, protected by firewall and a mail server. I also have > several remote offices connected trough a 64K links, every one with it's > virtual mail sub-domain in form xxx.whatever.com. > > _office1.whatever.com > <Internet>|{Mail server}<-office2.whatever.com > -officen.whatever.com > > > Because of the bandwidth of the mail traffic I'll need to install some > local mail servers in each office. My question is: how to configure the > main server and local servers in offices, so each mail send to > xxx.whatever.com, after receiving by mail.whatever.com to be forwarded > to the proper mail server. Keep in mind, that there are too many > accounts to make aliases for each. Also I'll need my users to send > e-mails trough their local mail servers in the organization and to > internet. And also I want to keep part of the e-mail accounts on the > main server for the whatever.com domain itself.
Look at smtproutes. You'll find info on it in: man qmail-remote Vince. -- Fast, inexpensive internet service 56k and beyond! http://www.pop4.net/ http://www.meanstreamradio.com http://www.unknown-artists.com Internet radio: It's not file sharing, it's just radio. _______________________________________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-net To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"