Did you ever get the AP going on the PCI bridge thingey? I have a
PCMCIA -> ISA bridge and a USR 240X running as AP just fine,
_but_ some things could be better ...
 1) the ISA bus limitations effectively cap performance at 5 Mb/sec.
 2) The card doesn't have a pigtail adapter, I have some fancy antennas
I would like to try, some pringle cans and other stuff too :-}

 Also, does anyone have any suggestions on a really good card?
 In terms of :
 1) Good pigtail connector.
 2) Highest mw power output allowed.
 3) Good driver support in FreeBSD.


Anuranjan Shukla wrote:

> It doesn't depend on the card. What you need is a driver that can run the
> card as an AP.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Simeó Reig
> Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 3:49 AM
> Subject: Wireless
> Hi, I want to make a wireless node with freeBSD acting
> as a AP. Wich card should I buy ? Conceptronics PCI C11iDT
> is a good choice ? It has Prism 2 chipset but I don't know if freeBSD
> can detect it, is it possible ? Orinocco cards can act as a AP ? Dlink ??
> Thanks a lot !
> Simeo
> Tarragona (Spain)
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