On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:54:14AM -0600, Justin T. Gibbs wrote:
#>      After that the box didn't find 3 of the 5 fxp nic's until a new
#> >    boot and a cleared ESCD. Not sure why an fxp card should bitch 
#> >    about SCB's anyway.
#> Perhaps because fxp devices have SCBs too?  Not the same SCBs that
#> the Adaptec SCSI controllers have, but a different data structure
#> that happens to have the same acronym.

        A bit confusing, I'll admit, and not documented. A more careful
        grep would have found it in /usr/src/sys/dev/fxp/if_fxp.c (and 
        related files...)

        Thanx for the clue bat anyway...
#> --
#> Justin

Med vennlig hilsen/Sincerely,

Shaun D. Jurrens
Drift og Sikkerhetskonsulent
Oslo Skoleetaten

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