Petri Helenius wrote:
> > seems to me that one useful question is whether the netns code
> > being there non-trivially complicates maintenance and/or
> > reliability of other code, and can i compile or module it out if
> > the bits it occupies really bothers me?
> >
> This is probably the right question.

As people keep pointing out, the code has been disabled since 1996,
so it doesn't complicate maintenance, because maintenance hasn't
been being done, even though it's trivially easy.

What pisses me off about this is that people have been breaking
API's out from under code, in such a way that no one who is not
highly domain knowledgable can unbreak the code that they did
not maintain.

An API is a contract between pieces of code.  If you break that
contract, then you are responsible for fixing every piece of code
that uses the contract.

If people actually did this (they *don't*), THEN leaving the code
in would complicate maintenance.

Please apply the patches I have posted to the list for netns.

-- Terry

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